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The Path of Spiritual Freedom

Welcome to Eckankar in India

Are you looking for a deeper, more personal connection with God and Divine Spirit? Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom can help you fulfill that dream.

The events below can help you see beyond the surface of day-to-day life so you can experience the joy of Soul—your true self. Each awakens you to more of the love, wisdom, and creative powers already in your heart.

Discover your life as a spiritual adventure!

ECK Soul Adventure Events

ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Magazine:Miraculous Coincidences



Did you want to Explore about Divine coincidences, and the most secret part of yourself

Kindly click here for register the event.



05.00pm to 06.30pm GMT+5.30hrs

Balaji Anbazhagan, 9500079800

Those Wonderful ECK Masters


The spiritual masters of yesterday, today, and tomorrow--the ECK Masters--are coworkers with God who can help mankind make the most of every decision and challenge, and one must only look inside to meet a spiritual master. These timeless truths of Eckankar help people recognize the power of their own intimate experiences with God.

You can invite anyone looking to understand their own inner wisdom for a higher viewpoint on the problems and situations they face daily


7.05 pm to 8.30pm GMT+5.30hrs

Sangeetha.T, 9003088086

For you from Eckankar

Spiritual Inspiration

What the Path of ECK Is All About

Eckankar means "Co-worker with God." It offers ways to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine. The teachings of ECK define the nature of Soul. You are Soul, a particle of God sent into the worlds (including earth) to gain spiritual experience. With the personalized study that is a part of Eckankar, you get divine guidance to apply in your everyday life and on your journey home to God. The full experience of God is possible in this lifetime!



Experience the Sound of Soul

A 'Sound of Soul' event is an opportunity to experience HU, a love song to God, in a friendly group setting. The sacred mantra, HU is chanted for 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of silent contemplation. This is followed by a discussion of spiritual experiences by those who wish toshare.

The SOS event is held via Zoom meeting.
To attend a session please contact us.
  • +91 9952994547
  • vahanaservices.eckankarindia@gmail.com

Eckankar - Ancient Wisdom for Today

The free-book offer includes two of our most requested titles:

Eckankar—Ancient Wisdom for Today and Is Life a Random Walk?

Email us for inquiries:

  • +91 98408 96715
  • contacteckankarindia@gmail.com

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Spiritual Inspiration

ECK Youth in India

Created to provide a foundation for the development and spiritual education of youth and families in ECK, the Youth and Family program provides young people between the ages of five to seventeen the opportunity to learn unfoldment, leadership, and service to others. Assisted by trained and trusted volunteer adults, events and activities are designed with safety, support, and education in mind. Depending upon attendance, different age groups can participate in ECK Light and Sound Services, seminars, classes, workshops, campouts, retreats and potluck dinners.

Interested parents can contact:

  • +91 98408 96715
  • contacteckankarindia@gmail.com

A Love Song to God

Miracles In Your Life

Discover the many miracles in your life.

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